Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Managing a BizTalk 2006 MSI deployment packages

One of the features of BizTalk 2006 deployment module is the ability to export and import a BizTalk Application as MSI installation package.

In this way we can treat each application as an atomic deployment package. This means that if we need to update our application resources with a new version, we can create a new MSI version 2.0 with all new versions of the resources and then deploy them all in one managed package.

The creation of the MSI package can be done from within the Administration Console MMC or through BTSTask.exe script.


or with BTSTask.exe:

ExportApp -ApplicationName:MyApp -Package:"C:\Temp\MyApp.Msi"

To see BTSTask.exe usage:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006>BTSTask.exe ExportApp -?

All BizTalk Exported MSI files are always versioned ‘’

Both BizTalk Administration console and BTSTask.exe sharing the same API to create this MSI file. The methods and classes to administrate BizTalk reside under Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.Application namespace of assembly Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.Engine.

The method that actually creates the MSI package is

CreateMsiPackage(string msiPath, ICollection<Resource> resources, ICollection<string> applicationReferences, IDictionary<string, object> requestProperties)

Now, unfortunately by using this method, BizTalk always creates the MSI file version as – this means that we can’t easily manage our MSI installation packages because even if we're creating MSI of version 2.0, BizTalk will export it as 1.0  

This restriction is for some reason hard-coded and you just can't change it.

in the following figure you can see the hard-coded msi version:


How can I change the MSI version and successfully manage my installation packages

One of the ways I’ve seen people handling this restriction is by simply name the generated  MSI installation Package with some Naming-Conventions like <ApplicationName>_<VerNum>.MSI

I consider a file name as a poor way to ensure version identity, a better idea is to somehow "Patch" the MSI metadata itself to hold the correct version. in this way, I can assure that no one will accidently rename my MSI file (just think on how easy that can happen).

What is BizTalk MSI installation package

Before I'll show you how to patch the file, it's first must be understood that an MSI file is actually a Database file. Inside the MSI there's some system table that contains a lot of data like parameters of the MSI, the name of the CAB files, the Binary stream data content of the CAB files, custom actions etc.

The MSI Installer engine executes SQL queries against the MSI tables and by that installing and extracting the actual files. the functions required to work with MSI protocol can be reference through msi.dll unmanaged DLL under windows system directory.

You can find the MSI database documentation on MSDN here

Browse into BizTalk MSI

The best way to know what MSI in general (and BizTalk MSI file in particular) means is by using "Microsoft Orca".

As you can see in the figure above, the version of the MSI is saved in 'ProductVersion' cell under 'Property' table.

So, the solution to BizTalk hard-coded 1.0 version problem is to change this value inside 'Property' table. but how can we get inside the MSI tables and change this value? – one way is by using a tool like Microsoft Orca, but in this way, the developer (or administrator) must patch the file by hand and it’s a path to future mistakes. I consider it to be a good solution only if we can some-how automate the process afterwards, so some like always some C# code can do the trick.

Patching BizTalk MSI file

BizTalk ships with a helper class to manage MSI and CAB files. The assembly name is Microsoft.BizTalk.MSIManager.dll

This class is actually a managed code wrapper around the MSI.dll functions and mach more easy to code then PInvoke. BizTalk infrastructures API's for deployment uses this class to create and import files form BizTalkMgmtDb into an MSI installer file and vise versa.

So, now we understand that we can't force BizTalk to export the MSI with another version then but we can still use BizTalk helper classes to get an easy access the MSI tables and to change the information holds inside the exported MSI.

Here's the code snippet:

        public void UpdateMSIProps(string msiPath, string version)


            Database db = Installer.OpenDatabase(msiPath, DatabaseOpenMode.Transact);

            string query = @"UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" + version + "' WHERE Property.Property = 'ProductVersion'";

            Record rec = null;

            Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.MSIManager.WindowsInstaller.View vw =









I also guess you’ll probably want to automate following steps as a script:

  • BTSTask.exe -AddResource
  • BTSTask.exe -ExportApp
  • Patch MSI
  • Move MSI to the destination MSI's folder.


Although BizTalk can export Application from BizTalkMgmtDb into a MSI installer package, it’s also forces this package to be of version

we simply can't do much with that because it's hard-coded with BizTalk deployment API but we does can take the newly generated MSI and 'Patch' the correct table with our desired version.

In this way we can handle our MSI versioning in the correct way.

Thanks’ to Moti Feldman for helping me with this issue.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

BizTalk 2006 MMC snap-in limitation

No doubt BizTalk 2006 MMC snap-in is a great move forward since the days of BizTalk 2004 Explorer Add-in. although, the GUI itself suffers sometimes from a problem or another. I think the mostly common problems are missing features or incomplete implementation. one example is when you try to start application. you can right click on the BizTalk application name and choose start. in this case, BizTalk administration console consider the activity to be under one 'transaction' so if one orchestration in one application fails in the start process - all other orchestrations, send-ports etc. in the whole application will automatically rollback to the previous state.

The reason is that under the surface the GUI is using Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer class (please note that it's actually also make use of Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.Group class - but I'll ignore that for the moment).  when you creates instance of this class and make some changes to send-port etc. the change will not reflect to BizTalkMgmtDb until a call to the SaveChanges() method.

If I could select all the applications in the BizTalk Group and choose them to start (a great feature that for some unknown reason is forbidden and you can start only exactly one application at a time )  the pseudo code in the MMC is something like this:

Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer e = new Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer();
            e.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=" + dbServerName + ";Initial Catalog=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=True";
                foreach (Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.Application app in e.Applications)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

As you can see, all successfully started applications state has not been saved because that one application failed.

I think it's need to be like this:

            foreach (Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.Application app in e.Applications)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    bool whatToDo = AskTheUserWhatToDo();
                    if (whatToDo)
                        throw ex;

As an insight, the semi-unfriendly BizTalk 2006 Administration console GUI is not a direct effect of BizTalk deployment API's architecture - it's more like a half implementation in the MMC snap-in.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Unexpected disappearance of messages after executing BizTalk pipeline component

Here's another 'mysteries' behavior in BizTalk pipeline components:

If you're promoting a context property that only was 'GAC'd but haven't successfully deployed into BizTalkMgmtDb (by adding the BizTalkAssembly as a resource in BizTalk management console), at runtime the pipeline component will search the context schema generated class (see here) in the machine GAC and will promote the value as expected, BUT at the end of the Execute (IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg) method, BizTalk will 'freeze' like no message was submitted into the message-box by the pipeline. also there's no error messages in the event viewer. this is happens even if the promoted property is not used as the subscriber parameter.

It's not surprising that for a well working context property you must first deploy the property schema. the strange thing here is one, the way BizTalk pipeline components promoting values which is without any validation inside BizTalkMgmtDb schema tables. second, the unexpected disappearance of the message without any clue in the event viewer.

I guess this is one of the problems with the two management repositories of BizTalk artifacts: GAC and BizTalkMgmtDb database. for example: when you're looking for a IDocumentSpec object using GetDocumentSpecByName method - BizTalk will fetch the schema by executing a query against the database. but when working with a context property, in the pipeline perspective, even if it uses the previously generated schema class to get the name and namespace, the purpose is to add the value into the context property list with IBaseMessageContext.Promote method, so the pipeline is not looking inside the database to actually validate the context property existence and the pipeline assumes the developer is knowing what he is doing (yeah, right...). the problem is that afterwards, the pipeline is submits the message into the message box and then the routing engine is looking for a subscriber by executing T-SQL stored-procedure against the database, so you must have the context property inside the database tables.

Maybe in the next version we'll not have to manage artifacts in two places - till then, just be aware to deploy all the property schemas before running any pipeline component that uses them.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Expert Days Conference 2008

Expert Days Conference 2008 arranged by E4D-Solutions and Microsoft Israel. In this year, there's more then 20 .NET Framework Experts in a week of extreme Courses (All the sessions are in the Hebrew language).

I'm giving two sessions:

  • The far side of the moonHow to use BizTalk and avoid known issues

this session will help advanced BizTalk developers and project managers to avoid 'mysterious' problems and will show how to develop a clean workarounds to BizTalk known issues into a successful BizTalk solution.

  • Advanced WCF integrated with BizTalk Adapter Pack

in this session, a deep dive into the WCF LOB adapter SDK (ASDK) for advanced .NET integration developers.

So, for all of you Israelis readers - hope to see you there.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Processing soap envelope within BizTalk Server

BizTalk parsing engine supports envelope schemas. This means that if the incoming message is marked as envelope schema, the parsing engine will parse the message and will dispatch the body content of the envelope as the message body part.

The most common scenario is when BizTalk receives SOAP Envelop. It's little known that Microsoft supplies soap envelope XSD schema as part of BizTalk system schemas. The schema name is BTS.soap_envelope_1__1 and is deployed inside Microsoft.BizTalk.GlobalPropertySchemas.dll under BizTalk.System BTS application.

When schema is marked as Envelope (is_envelope="yes"), the engine is looking for the body_xpath annotation. This value is the actual data section and will be assigned as the message part. The value of body_xpath attribute is saved in dbo.bt_DocumentSpec table of BizTalkMgmtDb database. In the disassembling process the engine is extracting the value by using IDocumentSpec.GetBodyPath() under Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop namespace.

Then the engine performing denormalize process by extracting message data from the body element. At the end of the process, BTS.MessageType context property is set to the message type of actual content of the soap:Body section.

How do I start an Orchestration with soap:envelope message type

Normally, Orchestration subscription includes value for BTS.MessageType context property, this mean you can't start orchestration with the soap envelope message type because the XmlDisassembler Component will discard the soap:Envelope content and the messaging engine will only get the soap:Body content – so at the end of the process, BTS.MessageType context property will be set to the actual message type of content under soap:Body section and the orchestration will never start with the type soap:Envelope.

In case you need to process the entire soap:Envelope inside orchestration:

  • Use PassThruReceive pipeline.
  • Define message of type BTS.soap_envelope_1__1 message inside the orchestration (Message Type > schemas > from referenced assembly > Microsoft.BizTalk.GlobalPropertySchemas).
  • Use Xml Document as the incoming message.
  • Assign the incoming Xml Document message to the BTS.soap_envelope_1__1 message.

Which custom pipeline component I need to develop for extracting the soap:Body section

If you need to receive message that is wrapped by a soap envelope and you're using the XmlDisassembler pipeline component - there's no need to develop further components for extracting the body element because the engine will automatically dispatch the soap:Body as the message part.

What about soap:Header and soap:Fault section

The automatic dispatch is only for the soap:Body section and the other section are discarded. so if you also need to process the soap:Header section you have to write a custom pipeline component for this task.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dependency in BizTalk Assembly

When you deploy BizTalk assembly you must ensure that any referenced assembly is also deployed. Actually, BizTalk is enforcing that by not letting you applying adding resource action without deploying all its references.

When removing resource BizTalk doesn't uninstalling the actual assembly from the GAC, so, any application would work regardless to missing registration of the assembly in BizTalk database.

On the other hand, BizTalk is forcing dependencies when trying to delete (or modify) any resource that has other depended artifact in BizTalk. This means that if one application uses pipeline component or map from referenced BizTalk Application, BizTalk explorer object model (Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM) will throw an exception when trying to remove the assembly containing the pipeline component or map as long you'll not reset the pipeline to the default passthrough pipeline components (or some pipeline from other deployed assembly) and remove the mapping from the port.

The very same behavior is happens when it come to BizTalk resources. Any attempt to remove assembly that referenced by other assembly inside any BizTalk application will throw exception by BizTalk ApplicationDeployment API's. (Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment)

How does BizTalk detects references assemblies

BizTalk is actually uses System.Reflection to detect references. Each System.Reflection.Assembly object has References member of type List that contains the fully-qualified name. Inside BizTalk any resource has Resource.Luid property, when deleting (or modifying) assembly ApplicationDeployment API's loads each resource as an System.Reflection.Assembly object and checks the References member for this Luid. If BizTalk finds equal Luid an exception will be thrown.

Because of this reason, updating infrastructure artifacts is quite headache. The Process must be in the following order:

  • Removing all referenced Applications.
  • Remove infrastructures old version.
  • Deploy infrastructures new version.
  • Deploy all high level referenced Application.

Where can I search for BizTalk assembly for checking its referenced Assemblies

There are three places which BizTalk assembly can be found for checking its referenced assemblies:

  • Local server where the assembly location specified by the sourceLocation property – this approach
  • Remote server where the sourceLocation property specifies assembly on the local machine - this is the most bad option because you must be sure the assembly is the very same as the one on the remote computer. Unfortunately this is the actual way BizTalk Administration Console is using – see below.
  • Local server on the GAC – this is the best option because it checks the actual running assembly.

How can I detect references in BizTalk assemblies

BizTalk 2006 MMC offers GUI for detecting references in BizTalk assemblies. Despite this, the MMC is running in a client mode, on a remote computer so, the GUI is not checking the remote machine GAC. As I wrote, this checking is Reflection based so; the BizTalk MMC must load the assembly into memory before being able to search for Luid equality – which is not possible from remote computer.

The way BizTalk MMC handles this issue is by using the property annotations list that each BizTalk resource contains:

Each Resource has Resource.Properties property of IDictionary<string,Object> type. the entry in this dictionary which points to the resource path is 'SourceLocation' so, BizTalk Administration console uses this entity for the parameters needed by System.Reflection.Assembly.Load method. By this, if the local machine contains the assembly on the same path as in the remote computer – BizTalk Administration console can load it into memory and search for references.


In the following, BizTalk administration console MMC was find the assembly in the path specified under the sourceLocation, so check for dependencies was preformed.


If the Administration Console can't find the assembly in the location specified in sourceLocation – the System.Reflection.Assembly.Load method failed and no further check is preformed.

In this insight, it would be much more advisable to run the check on the local server GAC. Unfortunately, BizTalk 2006 administration console is MMC snap-in and was designed to run on a remote computer so it does not support this approach.

The first step for extracting BizTalk Assembly from the GAC is by finding the path to the assmebly. this can be done by using the  GetAssemblyPath(string assemblyDisplayName) static method of the GAC class under Microsoft.BizTalk.Gac namespace. you can find this namespace in Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.dll

The second step is to load the assembly. this can be done by using Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.Assembly namespace. use AssemblyBase property of the BtsAssemblyManager class.

Here's the code snippet:

public List<string> CheckDependencies(string btsAssemblyLuid, string btsSqlServerName)
   List<string> dependeciesArr = new List<string>();
   string[] btsAssemblyProps = btsAssemblyLuid.Split(',');
   string btsAssemblyName = btsAssemblyProps[0];
   string btsAssemblyVersion = btsAssemblyProps[1].Remove(1, "Version=".Length).Trim();
   string btsAssemblyCulture = btsAssemblyProps[2].Remove(1, "Culture=".Length).Trim();
   string btsAssemblyKey = btsAssemblyProps[3].Remove(1, "PublicKeyToken=".Length).Trim();
  string btsAssemblyPath = Microsoft.BizTalk.Gac.Gac.GetAssemblyPath(btsAssemblyName);
  Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.Assembly.BtsAssemblyManager mgr = new Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.Assembly.BtsAssemblyManager(btsAssemblyPath, null);
  Microsoft.BizTalk.MetaDataOM.IAssemblyBase assembly = mgr.AssemblyBase;
   Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.Group group = new Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.Group();
   group.DBName = "BizTalkMgmtDb";
   group.DBServer = btsSqlServerName;
   foreach (Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.Application app in group.Applications)
       foreach (Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment.Resource res in app.ResourceCollection)
           if (res.ResourceType.Equals("System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly") || res.ResourceType.Equals("System.BizTalk:Assembly"))
               string[] props = res.Luid.Split(',');
               string name = props[0];
               string version = props[1].Remove(1, "Version=".Length).Trim();
               string culture = props[2].Remove(1, "Culture=".Length).Trim();
               string key = props[3].Remove(1, "PublicKeyToken=".Length).Trim();
               string path = Microsoft.BizTalk.Gac.Gac.GetAssemblyPath(name);
               Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.Assembly.BtsAssemblyManager manager = new Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.Assembly.BtsAssemblyManager(path, null);
               Array references = manager.AssemblyBase.References as Array;
               foreach (string refName in references)
                   if (assembly.DisplayName.Equals(refName))
                       dependeciesArr.Add(app.Name + " : " + res.Luid);
   return dependeciesArr;

Friday, May 30, 2008

Microsoft ESB Guidance - Message flow : Part I

The ESB Guidance are set of tools that extends BizTalk from regular EAI 'Hub-and-Spoke' Broker, into the 'SOA' world. One of the first thing you need to know about the guidance is that there's (almost) no magic or new stand alone feature in there - the guidance takes you beyond 'EAI' by understanding BizTalk 2006 architecture and leading BizTalk features to the wanted results.

The main components are:

  • Itinerary On/Off ramps - Extends BizTalk Messaging and BizTalk Adapter framework.
  • Core services (Agents) - Extends BizTalk Orchestration.
  • Exception management - Extends BizTalk Error report (For Orchestrations) and ACK/NACK notification (For pipelines)
  • Web services - Extends BizTalk transformation API and ExplorerOM API

In the following, slides from the session I gave together with Daniel Ben Zikry at 'SOA open day' ,Microsoft - Israel.

BizTalk Server 2006 was designed to fully encapsulate the End-Point native technology and the broker Routing engine. this was done by separating the Messaging engine from the Adapter layer and the EPM. in this strategy, the communication with the End-Point and the translation of the incoming bytes into something BizTalk can handle with - is under the responsibility of the adapter and the Message engine is route the message to the destination without worry about protocols ,specifications or programing languages.

Unfortunately all the above is not so simple, BizTalk Routing Engine is working in pub/sub pattern and the topics are Promoted Properties. the broker has no idea what to do with the incoming stream unless it came with instructions as metadata. the instructions are the Topic that all subscribers are listening to. in BizTalk routing engine, the Topic is a key/value entry in the message context that signed as "propPromoted" - a promoted property.

The component in the layer that promote those properties is the Adapter - and each adapter promote it's own properties. so you can't really be sure the message that submitted through SOAP adapter is routed in the very same way as a message submitted by MQSeries adapter - unless the routing is defined by a common promoted property. this architecture leads to tight coupling between service provider and client endpoint technology. In 'SOA' term, the service is an atomic unit of functionality that has no limit to the client protocol, this problem traditionally handled by a Logical Port that contains physical port. each physical port has one adapter to work against one endpoint technology. the topic for all subscribers was the logical port. the disadvantage with this solution is that the only way to active and consume the service is through this logical port, which means, not all other messages submitted into the MessageBox from any other logical ports. so, the real solution is to use ESB Routing context property and use them as topics for all subscriptions.

This is exactly what happened within the ESB Guidance. All routing inside the ESB are done by common ESB Routing properties. The layer between the Adapter framework and the Message Engine is the ESB Pipelines. this means that the message is submitted into the adapter and after this the message is moved to the next layer and only then - absolutely isolated from the adapter and the endpoint - the routing properties are initialized.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

xsl:for-each statement with BizTalk mapper

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the XSL mapper editor shipped with BizTalk extensions for VS2005. likewise with the xsl and C# functions visual representation called functoids. Personally, I find writing the XSL code to transform between one XML to another as easy approach and more easy tuning then fighting with the editor until it generates the appropriate code.

One common scenario is generating xsl:for-each loop in the XSL stylesheet. I stopped counting the times people asked me how to to obtain this with the mapper. The task is easy when you write the xsl code by yourself but much more complicated when you're trying to generate it with the mapper.

  • unbounded element to another unbounded element.

The basic scenario is transforming from one repeating element to another. consider the following:

Source Schema:


Destination Schema:

XSL Code:

BizTalk Mapper:

As you can see, to create the above XSL, all you have to do is to drug the source elements to the destination. this is because both source and destination elements are unbounded, so the mapper 'understand' and generating xsl:for-each statement.

  • Unbounded element with maxOccurs="1" child and unbounded child:

consider the following:

Source Schema:

Destination Schema:

Input XML:

<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0="http://Pinhas_Kolsky.Demos.Mapping.Looping.Schema1">






















in this case, you cannot drug the elements like in the basic scenario:

BizTalk Mapper:


BizTalk mapper can 'guess' how to build the for-each statement only in the basic scenario, in the case above, the mapper will generate the first child of the unbounded destination element more then once:

XSL Code:

Output XML (Not valid):

<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0="http://Pinhas_Kolsky.Demos.Mapping.Looping.Schema2">




















As you can see, the element 'Record' was created twice.

In this case you must use the looping functiod:

BizTalk Mapper:

XSL Code:

Output XML (valid):

<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0="http://Pinhas_Kolsky.Demos.Mapping.Looping.Schema2">






















It's impotent to notice that when the mapper is not automatically creates the XSL by drugging the elements, you can't use both - looping functiod for the parent and drugging unbounded to unbounded. this will generate only the first xsl:for-each. you can see this in the following:

BizTalk Mapper:


XSL Code:

Output XML (Not valid):

<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0="http://Pinhas_Kolsky.Demos.Mapping.Looping.Schema2">


















Conclusions: generating xsl:for-each statement with BizTalk mapper:

  • In a simple scenario you can generate xsl:for-each by drugging the source unbounded element to the destination unbounded element.
  • When you need to add more logic to the code (like creating maxOccurs="1" element inside the looping) you must use looping functoid.
  • In a case when a looping functoid is necessary, you must use one looping functoid for each unbounded element.  

Thursday, May 1, 2008

BizTalk project namespace and schema-type namespace duplication issue

When adding web reference to a C# project in Visual Studio, VS generates a class named Reference.cs. this class is the C# code of the XSD types of the web service. BizTalk installation includes extensions to visual studio that additionally creates classes for BizTalk artifacts that will be used by the BizTalk messaging engine.

When you create XSD schema - VS will generate cs file with the schema as a CLR object. the naming convention for this file is <schemaName>.xsd.cs 

When you add a Web reference to the project - VS will create three classes:

  2. Reference.odx.cs
  3. Reference.xsd.cs

In a future post I'll write about those classes in great details.

The namespace and the CLR class name of the auto-generated classes is depends on some factors:

For web reference:

  • The class namespace is the project default namespace (by default it's Visual Studio Project filename ) + dot sign (.) +  the name of the web reference.
  • The class name is a factor of the WSDL artifact.

For XSD schema:

  • The class namespace is the schema-type namespace
  • The class name is the schema-type name.

This naming convention is auto-generated and you can't control or change it.

Another thing to know is that for the Compiler perspective, the default namespace for all artifacts in the project is default namespace (by default it's the VS project filename).

All the above leads us to this:

What if the default namespace (the project filename) is equals to the XSD schema-type namespace?

In a regular situation it's all right but in case you adding web reference to the project, VS will generate the namespace for the Reference.odx.cs classes in the form of <ProjName>.<WebRefName> so if the name of the project file is Test.Schemas it will look like: Test.Schemas.<nameOfWebRef>

In the sample below Test.Schemas is a namespace.

When VS generates the XSD schema class it will generate it in the form of <schemaNS>.<schemaName>

in the sample below Test.Schemas is the class namespace and Teat is the class name; explicit: Test.Schemas.Test

When the compiler tries to compile the project it will translate the word 'Test' in namespace of the web reference file Reference.odx.cs as the class that represents the XSD schema-type, because the schema has the same namespace as the project default namespace – by default the VS project name.


This process will cause the following error:

error CS0426: The type name '<Name>' does not exist in the type.

The error means that the XSD generated class 'Test' does not contains member with the name 'Schemas'. this is completely true because 'Test.Schemas' is only a namespace – copied from the project namespace.

To fix the error, all we have to do is to change the schema name or the schema namespace. additionally, we can change the project default-namespace and then import the web reference.

Be aware that to change the web reference namespace you need to remove them and adding them again.

The insights of all of this: if your project default namespace is composed of two words separated by a dot (.) sign:

  • Unless you have a web reference in your BizTalk project – you can name the schema namespace just like the VS project file including 'dot' sign, you can also name the schema-type name as the first word in the Project filename.
  • If you need to include a web reference in the project change the schema-type namespace to be different from the project namespace. additionally; you can name the schema-type name different from the first word in the project namespace.

Monday, April 28, 2008

BizTalk UTF-8 codepage

I guess it's only me but after working a lot with BizTalk and WMQ, it was so clear to me that UTF-8 codepage is 1208. so today when working with the SAP adapter against Hebrew records we set value of the BizTalk Code Page as 1208 . the correct value is actually 65001.

I also find this about the SAP Adapter:

With Service Pack 1 installed, you must specify the appropriate encoding on any new and existing SAP receive port while receiving the IDoc. For example, if you need to receive Japanese characters, you may want to consider setting BizTalk Code Page as 65001, which is UTF-8 encoding.

Finally, look inside the UTF8Encoding class:


So for all of you out there:

  • For IBM products (like WebSphere MQ) UTF-8 codepage is 1208.
  • For widows based products UTF-8 codepage is 65001.

thanks to Amir Cohen for that.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dynamic Send Port - Host instance limitation

In a previous post, I wrote about the importance of choosing the right Host instances for a peacefully working 'real-world' BizTalk solution. Although this is right for all BizTalk artifacts, unfortunately there's one exception: Dynamic Send Ports.

The analogy behind Dynamic ports is a wish to provide BizTalk the flexibility of 'SOA' - a way to create an atomic service that has no intension with the End-Point protocol/technology. the Dynamic ports are the way BizTalk server is combining it's Orchestration engine with the Adapter framework layer. in runtime - the orchestration will inform the adapter engine with the information about the destination Protocol and URI and the adapter engine will ship the message to that location using the right Adapter instance.

This magic become possible thanks to the Microsoft.XLANG.BaseTypes.Address class who derived from PortPropertyBase class under Microsoft.XLANG.BaseTypes.dll.

When passing those's parameters to the port, the Adapter engine is checking the value of Address to be associated with the adapter prefixes table. for example the following will cause the FILE adapter to handle the sending process:


The ability to "late-bind" the Adapter instance to associate with the Send process actually forces us to disallow any Host Instance configuration at design-time - the adapter can be In-Process Host like the FILE or WCF Adapter and equally can be Isolated Host like SOAP Adapter.

The BizTalk team choose to handle the Host-Instance resolving is to use the default Host Instance configured for the Adapter. because of this most unacceptable design, use can find your process running under BizTalkApplicationHost and BizTalkApplicationIsolatedHost instances. so eventually, this means we can't use Dynamic Ports in most of our BizTalk Solutions!.

After all this, I've been surprised to find that in the newly published ESB Guidance (v1.0), the Agent who responsible of routing (Delivery agent) was implemented using a Dynamic Send Port.

Just imagine what will happen if ALL of the specific Adapter of the entire ESB are running on the same Host Instance. So, I really can't understand this design, more then that - I encourage you NOT to use the default Delivery Agent in a real ESB environment.

Let's just hope that the team will fix this behavior and there will be a way of choosing the correct Host Instance within Dynamic Send port - then we'll can enjoy the benefits of 'SOA' with BizTalk solutions.

Monday, March 31, 2008

70-235 Exam: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server

Just passed Microsoft MCTS 70-235 exam. I can tell you that the preparations you have to take for this exam are very different from other Microsoft exam because there's almost no references from Microsoft (except MSDN).

It's seems that the team is checking the candidate knowledge about various of BTS-related technologies such as BAM and BRE, so in the single question in the exam with some code - you don't really need to know what you're coding, you need to identify the correct object to use (It's a question about invoking BRE policy).

If you're going to take the exam I can assist you with those tips:

  • Spend time on the samples that ships with BizTalk and the Walk-through scenarios - spastically the BRE and BAM stuff. - Pay attention to the order of the actions you perform in those's sample.
  • Choose the right answer even if it's seems so clear (remember that no one is trying to fool you)
  • Read the documentation in the MSDN - this way you'll know that for example "BizTalk Editor" is the way Microsoft is calling the Schema Editor in Visual-Studio 2005 BizTalk 2006 extensions.
  • Prepare yourself with BizTalk references other then Microsoft (I read "Professional BizTalk Server 2006" from Wrox).

Monday, March 24, 2008

BizTalk Host-Instances selection

Choosing the right Host-Instance for BizTalk artifact (like a send port) is one of the basics to a successful project. This is one of the points where development and test/prod environment are so different.

Scenario 1:

All BizTalk Host-Instances queues have a table under MsgBobDb with the prefix:<HostName>Q. when the adapter is committing a message into BizTalk MsgBox it means that the message was committed into this queue. afterwards a process of de-queue will be fired. just imagine what will happened if you have two services one is batch process with thousands of messages, and the second is on-line. the first process will flow the queue and the second on-line process will suffer from badly performance (and not like Message queuing like WMQ and MSMQ there's no way to configure priority within BizTalk queuing).

Scenario 2:

If I have two BizTalk Servers with one MsgBox (this usually increase performance), I need to run a Receive Location or Send Port on one of those Servers - the only way is to create separated Host Instances - one on each server and then to configure the port to be hosted within the correct Host Instance.

Scenario 3:

We need to collect files from a directory, then we need to send the content of the files to a web-service. The web-service processing is taking a long time - mach more then collecting the files from a file-system directory. the results of this is that while BizTalk is busy to commit the incoming messages into the MsgBox the Send process is waiting. also, if the incoming messages are very big - the processing is likely to use a lot of the BTSNTSvc process free memory and the sending process will wait to this memory to be freed before processing.

Scenario 4:

The Send Port must run under specific user to grand access permissions.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Microsoft.BizTalk.ParsingEngine.FFReader ReadToFollowing Issue

Have you ever worked with Microsoft.BizTalk.ParsingEngine.FFReader object to parse Flat-File contant in Pipeline component? be aware not to use ReadToFollowing() method within this object.

I've wrote a custom PPLC to parse and modify Flat File. Hers the Code snippet:

//Get the messge stream

Stream inStream = inMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();

//Get FFDocumentSpec and parse content from FF to XML with FF Anotation

IFFDocumentSpec docSpec = (IFFDocumentSpec)context.GetDocumentSpecByName("MyPoject.Schemas.MySchema_FF");

//Prepare Stream reader

StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(inStream);

Microsoft.BizTalk.ParsingEngine.DataReader dataReader = new Microsoft.BizTalk.ParsingEngine.DataReader(streamReader);

//start parsing the message

reader = (Microsoft.BizTalk.ParsingEngine.FFReader)docSpec.Parse(dataReader);

//start reading the message

reader.ReadToFollowing("nodeName", "http://node.Namespace");

The FFReader class is derived from System.Xml.XmlReader I read the content of the stream with the System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadToFollowing(String) method. and was very surprised to run into some NullReferenceException runtime exception. The Exception was thrown at ReadToFollowing() method.

After checking all the member initialization, I decided to search a little deeper inside the framework.

I find out that FFReader doesn't implements it's own ReadToFollowing() method so, the method is executing as in the base XmlReader Class.

The FFReader doesn't initializing the 'TableName' object and this member is remaining Null.

Unfortunatlly, the base XmlReader uses this object in the ReadToFollowing() method so it was cousing NullReferenceException.

Conclusion: manually create your own ReadToFollowing() method and don't use the one under FFReader.

public bool ReadToFollowing(string localName, string namespaceURI, FFReader reader)


while (reader.Read())


if (reader.Name.Equals(localName) && reader.NamespaceURI.Equals(namespaceURI))

return true;


return false;


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